Friday, November 6, 2009

bikes, church and stuff

We have hired a motorcycle. It’s the closest thing we are going to get to an aircon at this stage. At least while driving around we get to feel the stifling hot air move! It’s a great way to get around as we have experienced before.

The bike wala who hired out his bike was very friendly, didn’t ask for any papers or proof of where we were staying, nothing, nada, rien, and happily handed us the keys and directed us to the nearest (only ) petrol station to fill the tank. Go figure. Try that back in Sunny South Africa, mate and you’ll be looking for a new bike.

There are Catholic churches/chapels all over the place, in different states of disrepair and always locked. Sunday evening we saw people placing candles on the windowsills outside the doors and standing praying in front of the church. They are spotted like shrines around the area , sometimes crosses are adorned with faded garlands.
I don’t understand.
moving the way the locals would

1 comment:

  1. Hi Guys - Wow! The pictures are awesome and the stories sound so exciting. What a great experience and how different it is from (as you say) sunny SA - well not so sunny by us - its been raining on and off since Paulien returned. I'm starting to feel as if I am living in the UK.
    Keeping you in prayer and trusting that all is being achieved that you set out to accomplish - and MORE!!!
    Looking forward to seeing you guys soon.
    YHWH keep you and bless you.
