Its getting close to departure time! India is waiting... or would that be India lies in wait? hmmm, final pre-trip briefing in just a few days. We all have 'assignments' to do to help prepare us for the trip. Too much to do with the amount of days remaining. Booklets are done though.
On the home front – Summer is here with a bang! It is amazing to see how quickly things change with the new season – suddenly there is colour in the laundry basket.There is colour inthe streets and gardens, let’s just say the near future is bright!
On the work front – Still much coaching is happening, and lives are changing around us. It is wonderful to see how God has a plan for each one of us in His Kingdom. Financial Year Endis this month which is a first for the New Kingdom Encounters as its own PBO. We are officially one year old standing on our own, no longer just a Ministry Project of World Outreach. Though we are still related to World Outreach.
We are planning, God willing, to take a team of people to India in the month of October. This is an exposure trip and prayer journey. There will be nine of us all in all, please could you pray that the organizing and planning goes smoothly. And pray too that God would meet each one of us in a special way while out there.
Jean-Pierre taught two sessions of “A Taste of Missions” at Bryanston Methodist Churchin September and it was wonderful to experience the changed lives from just those two sessions. Please pray that the seeds planted would bear much fruit in God’s Kingdom.
On the youngstas front – Dorianne is still at uni working hard on her final subject which will get her the Diploma she has been working so hard towards. Jordan Starts his first round of term tests this week even though the lecturers were striking for the first week or two of term. Micaela smiles, though admittedly she is getting more and more frail. Please continue to keep her in your prayers.
Thank God for His strength and grace
We still praise him for good health and warmer days.
We stand in awe to see how He goes before us, and even more thrilled that He wants relationship with us.
Thank you so much for praying that the finances for the tickets to India would come in, it did.
We continue to pray that God’s hand is oh, so very visible in your daily life.
I have just gone through a rather amazing experience. I signed up to attend a course that would enable me to acquire languages. To be able to test the system completely I needed to choose a course in one of the African indigenous languages. I chose Zulu. I had no intention of learning to speak Zulu. Didn't particularly want to learn Zulu. Never thought Zulu was for me.... etc. etc.
One month after our first classroom session, I was making new friends. One month after our first classroom session, I greet Zulu people in Zulu One month after our first classroom session, I greet Zulu people in Zulu and they understand me. Six weeks after our first classroom session and two hands on days in Alexandra, my new friends are sure that I am serious about learning their language. At the end of each day, one or two more words added to my vocab empowers me. It sets me apart. It strengthens my belief in myself and in the people around me. And... I am starting to understand what people are saying around me.... what a Month!!!
Yesterday... At gym I enquired of an Indian Lady whether she knew enough Hindi to be one of my helpers. As I only know two words. Greeted a Chinese gentleman in Chinese, spoke both English and Afrikaans to people on the phone. French was practiced in the parking lot when I parked my car and Zulu practiced in the grocery store, on the way home, in my car... my music is Italian....