Some days I am absolutely amazed at the beauty around me. even in the dry leaves of a tree, beauty abounds. What a wonderful gift to see beauty in the dry sticks of life. Now of course the challenge would be to see beauty where there seems to be none.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
taken by beauty
Some days I am absolutely amazed at the beauty around me. even in the dry leaves of a tree, beauty abounds. What a wonderful gift to see beauty in the dry sticks of life. Now of course the challenge would be to see beauty where there seems to be none.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
June's data
What a land of contrasts! It is good to be home after an extended time away. It is with great enthusiasm that we return to “our posts”, knowing that we know that we know that God goes before us. He prepares the way, we have no doubt.
This was the sunset that welcomed us back into South Africa, yes it’s the same sun all over the world, but this is where Rita appreciates it the most. The air is cooler in the grip of winter and it smells just so – as it does in the winter on the Highveld! A huge influence is , of course, the ‘grassies’ – Veld fires.
On the home front – Well things slowed down as was expected but nothing seems to have fallen apart which is also generally expected! It is good to be able to entrust certain tasks to capable people and know that they will get done, maintained etc. (Well in most cases… ) Years ago, when Jean-Pierre would go away for any amount of time, it seemed that was the time when geysers burst, electrics failed and other interesting things took the opportunity to ‘happen’.
On the work front – Returning from South East Asia brought some real truths home regarding our work. China needs a completed packaged deal as far as discipleship teachings etc. are concerned, but we are questioning whether we should be the people to give it to them. In the mean time we are encouraged to work and package the new course materials. Jean-Pierre met up with some people from the US Centre for World Mission and OM among others during the last two weeks to discuss the furthering of materials used in the course etc. There is a possibility that he might need to attend a course soon. We will keep you posted as soon as we know the details.
On the youngstas front - Dorianne returns to Uni after a mid- term study break. She is still trying like crazy to get into the freelance market as a colourist/illustrator. Jordan will be starting his exams soon, Micaela is doing okay. She seems to be getting rather frail, but in the long run, she is healthy enough. Rita still gets great joy out of time spent cuddling her.
Thank God for His strength and mercy
We praise him for good health and warm log fires this winter.
We are grateful for His grace – we camp on it daily. We are so thrilled that He goes before us, and even more thrilled that he wants relationship with us.
Keen to get the finer details of the course completed (First Draft) and hope to see it launched soon. Will keep you updated as to the details of when that happens too.
Praying that God’s hand is oh so very visible in your daily life.
Till next time