Wednesday, January 30, 2013

moving moving moving

Tickets are in hand.... now to do the visa thing !!


Moving right along

Okay, so things seem to be on track to make another very welcome trip Home to Bulgaria again. 

So, so, so  looking forward to spending quality time with friends and family there. Now just need to do a little shopping for some "essentials" that I cannot do without! Not true, I could probably do without them, but prefer not to have to try at this stage. One is rudely aware of one's foreign-ness when one cannot make do with local fare in ALL things. Not that the local fare is bad, it just isn't at all. Or... interesting might just be spelled differently and one is unable to recognise it ---YET!

An aerial view of where we will be  for three months again this year.... YAY!

Coffee in the park...
watching children play...
Hearing a new language all around us...
Not able to read  menus....


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

It is another season and another year.

In Review:
So much has happened and yet so much has remained the same. During this last year we have done things in places never before thought of or imagined. Bulgaria has played a huge role in our last year as a family and as a ministry. We remain excited to see God’s hand in all we do. His guidance in directions we have taken have proved to be of a nature we could only have dreamed of. And yet all in all we are so at peace with what is happening. Passage to Purpose seems to have run its course for the moment (no pun intended), and concentration on cross cultural exposure trips has taken up the fore for the time being.
Right Now:
We as a family have grown in this  time, taking time out during the holiday season to regroup and just get on with things around the house that always seem to end up on the back burner. Forever pushed aside to make way for more ‘important’ things. Well, The office spring clean is going well… the repair of garden furniture doing great, the lawns mowed and ironing kept up to date, not to mention a few books read during this time too. So see we are not all work and no play! Dorianne has spent much of her time in Cape Town working with her team of game designers. She is seriously looking to move to the Cape as that is where the “Creative set” live and work.  Jordan has finally established himself as a freelance Game Ranger. This last month saw him at a very busy and hot Marathaba Lodge earning some much desired experience and pocket money to boot. He has it in his heart to establish himself a little more in Bulgaria in and among the youth there. So yes, earning money doing what he loves to be able to afford him his dreams, what’s not to like?
Coming Up:
 Bulgaria is on the cards again and we hope to be able to go there sometime during the first half of the year.  Our visa situation could be changing, making it easier to come and go. This is due to Jean-Pierre being as of 29th Dec, a man with “pensioner” status. We will work on the details and see what can be done.  We are planning to run courses if and when the need arises, and from that will be organising more exposure trips for those having done the courses. So all in all things are still so on track and yet so different.