Monday, December 30, 2013

december data

Well the year 2013 has finally drawn to a close. We have had a busy but most rewarding time throughout this period. Bulgaria saw us again and it was as if we had gone home. Much was done on the reparations of the house there, in March friends joined us for a visit, and at the end of May we welcomed a work team too. Tasks on the KE house were done and done well, thank you so much for all your hard work team. And then there were a few jobs done for neighbours too.  It was great to have them with us. We are looking forward already to our next trip to Bulgaria.
We, Jean-Pierre and Rita, returned to South Africa mid June, and in early July Dorianne left home to set up in Cape Town. Two weeks after that, Jordan left home for Bulgaria for three months, and we were ‘home alone’. Loved it. During this time relationships were nurtured and strengthened.  
We have pretty ‘Open Diaries’ for the year ahead. We pray that we allow God to fill them according to what He has planned for us and not just what we desire. We do not want to get busy with our own agendas, rather that we be obedient to His will. We continue to thank God for you and your support.   May you have a wonderful rest, and catch up with your families this holiday season, and may you always be found in the shadow of His wing.