Wednesday, October 30, 2013

this works for me....

It took a while to make, but seeing as I am completely up to date with my bookkeeping... I have the time, right? Not really as there is a lot that needs to happen, AND I've signed up for Nano this year. S November is busy busy busy!

Dutrieux Data

Dutrieux data
October 2013

The pace has picked up!
It is amazing to see how quickly things fell into place and the keenness for all to get involved and participate. We now know that we know that we know that we were not supposed to return to Bulgaria for the last part of this year. Suddenly, although it’s been a long time coming, we are in full swing with regards to  running  the Passage to Purpose programme in two congregations. One in Centurion and the other in Pretoria East. Both these congregations are also running with Output Platforms, 
which we will oversee till the natives get the hang of it.

It is a blessing and a privilege to serve these people. What is truly an awe inspiring is the size of the two classes. They had really short notice to decide to commit to eight weeks, once a week.  One of our classes had to commence without electricity… no sweat, with the help of an inverter-brandishing friend Jean-Pierre was able to do the class in a most romantic setting. There’s a first time for everything, right?

On the home front things are different. Jordan has returned home from his time in Bulgaria and it is good to have him back.  Summer has certainly landed, and even though some days are warm, we are enjoying some great rainy days, cloudy days and cooler days too. This makes Rita happy. 
“Free” water helps the garden grow. Well not really free, but, solar powered pump for the borehole  has helped hugely in the watering of the plot, now maybe we can consider a real garden…. Meh!
Maybe not.
A little time out was had on my Birthday. Jean-Pierre took me out for the day, it was really pleasant and carefree. Coffee shops, lunch, train…no parking issues etc. Lovely time.

We thank God for His faithfulness in all things.