Friday, May 31, 2013

brave brave South Africans

creativity rocks

panning for gold or simply washing up?


the view

in front of the house from the top of the village

more view

some brave South Africans

Let the clowns dance, let the band play and let the balancing acts begin!
 As noted... A merry heart is as good medicine
Time for coffee
 Some curtains to help keep the beasts out at night...
 Some insist on moving at a snail's pace... oh right, this is allowed in this case
 just love the highwire and trapeze... erm, I know this is a ladder.
Dental work in progress

another day of work

Painting the window frames of Krasi and Iva's house accross the street.
And the mundane stuff gets done as well
framed again
coming up for air
...after lifting the ground floor.
Deshka with her tools...
At this stage, the house looks like a mouth with missing teeth

the next day...

It's early days and the team is still fresh and eager. We are so grateful for them coming out here to help us and experience just a little of the life here in Bulgaria. Work and tasks are on the menu of most days.

A quick break to cool down in the heat of the day. The table that Jean-Pierre put together so well has come into great use. Not quite so much "hanging around" going on this time...

Framed at last!

...'whatever you find your hands to it with all your might, added joy goes a long way too

Hanging around certainly does not mean doing nothing, work in all forms ...

So strong... just look at the ease with which Mark lifts all of these...

Mark and Deshka strutting their stuff in the garden. Its amazing, the gardens  has a little veggie patch, we are happy to share the space. Deshka is free to harvest the crops seeing as we won't be here when they are ready and she has done most the work anyway.

Just hanging at the end of the day...

Monday, May 20, 2013

There were eight Sunday

Soooo excited! Much preparation,  and the time has come! A team of six have made their way through the murk and rush of lives  pre trip, and through a whirlwind visit of Istanbul , a train trip into Bulgaria and this is what we have...

Quick snack for hungry bodies down in our local market, coffee, and 'home'.

Neighbours brought food, and team ate... and ate well! Camera broke! Joined in at a Carnival on Saturday evening, more coffee, then... blissfully - BED.
.....some of us even slept! go figga.

Camera still Bolen...Sunrise on mountain, Skype with friends, Etera traditional music festival, COFFEE MACHINE ...home... Sundays are busy it would seem.
'They ' say... Monday never comes..... not true!