Thursday, February 21, 2013

preparations begin

It looks as though we have a team!
A very different group of people to say the least. Creative,
Let the good things/times roll...
We are excited about what the possibilities are for the next trip to our very special village of Gostilitsa. Who can say what is in store for each one of us? We are in a good place and just know that we have so much to learn from each other and so much to give to one another.
From now till May when the rest of the guys/girls join us we have time to prepare.

Meanwhile Jean-Pierre and I are starting to think about things to take, leave behind and all the rest of things that accompany leaving one place for another for an extended period of time. Last time we went to Bulgaria, it was for six weeks... in my opinion far too short. Just as one gets settled its almost time to leave again. Three months is more like it...
Annnndd... did you see our amazing sunset last night?

Sunday, February 3, 2013

New Team?

So Today at church there was an appeal...
Who is going to be joining us in Bulgaria in May?
Now just counting the responses... erm
Next week will ALL get together to ask and answer questions
Encourage/discourage prospective candidates
And... start getting excited!