Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year... and all that

So the New Year has come around again and the question is..."what am I going to do with it?"
As much as I hate the idea of the New Years' Resolutions and all the disappointments that go with the carcasses of these lofty ideas by mid February, I am certainly guilty of getting swept away by the idea of 'let's try again' and "now is a good time to..." and the eternal "This year I want to do yada yada yada ".

So yes, even in the delightful heat of summer, I am seeing a space of time for things I want to achieve ... not just this year, but for the future in general.

Do I have a list? absolutely not because that would signify a sever attack of New Year's Resolutions! Do I know what it is that I want to achieve, erm... well I do have a few ideas, but honestly having a list would truly help me get myself organized enough to start some of them at least....!

So... in that vein
a)get Supermom (novel) edited and find out about publishing.
b)enter many photographic competitions
c)learn how to manage, note manage not master Photoshop
d)health and fitness... as this is not a list for all to see, erm... I know what I mean by this
e)More oil paintings to happen, in fact any oil paintings would be great as I have been seriously lacking in the inclination and time to even pick up a paint brush or open that bottle of turps that stands on the shelf in my office sneering at me.

Let's see how we go...