Wednesday, October 26, 2011

uncensored shots

Fun and games

We are having a wonderful time with friends! So much so that we are not even updating our blogs...But normally it is said "no News is Good News"
this is turning out to be absolutely true! Seriously though, we are really blessed to be able to just continue where we left off! After many years of separation, coming together again has been as if we were never apart. On the other hand going by the extra "laughter lines" and "highlights" we realise that years have sped by .
Pictures will follow as soon as the censor board releases them...:-)

Monday, October 17, 2011

UK at last!

It has been such a long time coming, many of our friends left South Africa in 1996 and 1997

At least three families came here to the United Kingdom, so now, for the first time we have made the step to actually come and see them.... the whole Mohammed and Mountain thing!

The weather.... one is supposed to talk about the weather whenone is in this country.... has been great! Promises from the weather forcasters of gloom and cold, but well some things are universal.

Sunday, October 2, 2011


What an exciting , precious time we have had, so far. House Hunting takes on a completely different meaning..... its there somewhere, under the overgrowth, one just has to hunt for it! LOL. This has been amazing experience. The reason that we are in this far as we could see, (admittedly we are incredibly myopic) was to establish a "Foothold" in the EU. So ... the next 'obvious' step then was... oops, its Bulgaria! What about it? It's affordable - We'll take it!
So.... We did some hunting... and look what we have found! (Actually it was given to us on a platter by Father)

Now we are awaiting the response of the seller of theis amazing God Given Property to accept what we felt we should offer for the place ... and.... erm....
It gets really cold here.
There is a HUGE amount of work needed here.
It gets cold, but there is lots of wood for keeping warm....
Cost of living, erm, much the same as in Yioshne Afrika.