Wednesday, May 18, 2011

and the winner is....

we are all winners! Granny is out of hospital and she has a male nurse to take care of her. Thank you so much Miemie for getting this to happen! He is from the Congo and even speaks French to Granny!
We have had a busy few weeks with attending a course in Pretoria and then Passage to Purpose running full steam last weekend and at the same time JP is teaching for three weeks at the Bible School in Pretoria!
Much work is being done and oh yes Dorianne had a birthday too.
Many exciting oppportunities are presenting themselves before us and soon we will be needing to make some rather heavy decisions. I will happily keep you posted - meaning of course that as soon as we know some details you will too! Nothing lijke the weight of suspense to spice ones life up.

It seems we might have a new member to our family... a little kitten! The older cats are not too impressed with the little newcomer, but hey, they will surely get used to the idea soon enough.