Sunday, February 27, 2011

Never a dull moment, huh?

Talk about hitting the landing strip running! On our arrival home, we were 'eventually' met by our very own Dorianne and Jordan - Thanx guys. Then had the dodgy task of seeing Granny after her fall last Saturday... we were somewhat shocked by her appearance but handled it well... at least we thought so. Francoise had arranged for a Physio to come in and give Granny excercises, but said Physio suggested that X-rays get done of the offending limb, causing Granny not to want to walk anymore... So, off to X-rays on Wednesday, Doctor and then Hospital, as it turns out the old stick had broken her hip. Right now it looks as though she will be getting a whole prosthesis, and we wait to see exactly when that will be. In the meantime, Francoise and Rita are doing the Hospital Hop, relay fashion, as Francoise holds down a full time job during the week, she does weekend vigil and Rita takes the weekday shift. All seems okayish so far.
 JP had much catching up and repairs to contend with as Jordan leaves for a month of training for Wildlife Warden course  near Bela Bela.
We are still sitting with some 'BILLING Problems' so that needs to be dealt with too. All in all not bad for the first week home. No time for jet lag or anything like that as there are things to be done, places to be and people to see!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


 Home sweet Home..... Sweet like a chewed toffee!
So much catching up with life and reality to do... and of course fighting with dust!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

heading South for the winter

Our noses are pointing homewards.... its been a very interesting and exciting three months to say the least.
We have eaten foods that bite us back.... some like hot...

Eaten fruits in strange and yummy ways

I am almost sorry to say that we are no longer required to use our tea kettle aparatus.... sigh.

The skylines are soon to turn familiar...

Some sights we will surely miss

And no matter where we are in the world... people will always get annoyed, some just make it a lifestyle!

We are wearing a little thin and getting a little frayed with all the travelling,
but are looking forward to hugging our kids, breathing cooler air,
getting back into the driving seat at home again...

Till next time-back in a days!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

some shots

A familiar scene in Hoi An

View from room in Hanoi - we were upgraded to a two star hotel!

Hanneke and Christoff in Ho Chi Min City

Cowboys on Bikes

Red Door in Hue

Saddling up in Hoi An

Hue in passing

Muine, Hoi An and now Hanoi

Time in Mui Ne was just too short
We swam, rode bikes and much more
On a sleeper bus made our way to Hoi An
the weather turned cooler, but still we had fun
Our bags crunched the road as they fell from the bus
sorry, no pictures as there was too much fuss
A wild cowboy drove us all the way to Hanoi
After a shower 'n cleaned up saw the sun, oh boy.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

halleluya holidays

Upon arrival in Mui Ne... we needed to move to our New Home of three days... thank you Mark for showing us your moves
The night before ... in HCM City, Deon with the boys gave us some ideas.....

Estelles escapades caused Miemie to have to wear her shades...

Plienkie drove so fast , nearly lost her off the screen but Mark was holding on faithfully trusting her.

View from bike in HCM City  with the traffic and a taster of the full banquet of lights intended for Tet.
Heading off for a bus ride all the way up to Hoi An-aproximately 18 hours worth... Argh.