Friday, August 27, 2010

This that and a few more weeks

Rather an interesting place to be --- suddenly having a few more weeks 'added' to my time.Sometimes we wonder why things happen, or not , depending on the situation, and other times, we just go with the flow. This is certainly one of those 'go with the flow' times.
Time to do things at home.
Time to get year end bookkeeping completed.
Time to breathe before the next encounter.
Time to invest in family.
Time... just time.
......breathe in....breathe out..... breathe in.... breathe out.... and

Smell the coffee.

Monday, August 23, 2010

no passport = not going anywhere

Interesting turn of events... while filling out visa applications, I discovered that my  passport was about to expire. When making application for a new one, some inconvenient strike started up the same day ith goverment workers. What was supposed to be a 'fast tracked' passport application, wasn't. Our days are getting very few with regarding getting visa applications in in time to still be able to travel... it looks as though we wil have to cancel flights... ho hum

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Awesome Africa

sometimes I just have to accept there are some things bigger than me

colour me!

early morning on the Sabie River

Sabie River just outside of Hazy View

A treat awaits

loved this time


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Two Wrongs

This has to be living proof that 'Two Wrongs DON'T  make a Right'