Saturday, July 31, 2010

Friday, July 30, 2010

Dof or What?

For someone who travels as often as I do... its pretty scary to think that one is able to make flight bookings with an ' as good as expired ' passport... what do you say? Thats not all though... finding this out when there is a govenment workers strike on the go does little to relieve the stress levels... ho hum... off we go to see what can be done about it... oh yes... another reason for high stress levels is very basically the fact that there are certain countries that simply do not issue visas on temporary passports ... big sigh as she reflects on her stupidity at this time!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Dutrieux Data

In house:
Well, we have survived the onslaught of the VuvuZulus! That fearsome tribe that have trolled our land, drank at our watering holes and partied at the fan fest venues not to mention those who were able to find ways into those huge arenas where they watched other tribes chasing a ball around a vast green veldt. Yes we are the proud owners of a Vuvuzela – the voice that calls “Victory” or “Gees” or just plain “Proudly South African!” Now it’s back to normality... whatever that might mean. Work continues for Dorianne and Jordan. Though they are ‘self employed’ they still gotta do what they gotta do! JP coaches and teaches and Rita... yes well, Rita does whatever it is she does to fill the gaps.

In Ministry:
The Nebulous message has been packaged and is being put to the test. Thank you to all who have helped in whatever way – without you we could not make this statement. We have started implementing the new method of presenting the course with much success. The system works and we are in a good place. We do however sense that now that we have done what we have attempted for so long, that there are some subtle and not so subtle changes on the horizon. We are looking forward to seeing how things will unfold in the next few months. We stand in awe of God’s faithfulness in all these things.

In General:
Growing closer to God is an interesting experience, and this journey we are on certainly calls for lots of ‘interesting’. We are privileged to be in a position to see how God moves in people’s lives. How He grows them and stretches them to His Glory. In the KE Mission Fellowship – held each Saturday evening, we can visibly see God’s hand in others lives.

In Prayer:
We thank God that we are able to be His servants in this journey.
We praise Him for good health. We thank Him for his abounding grace – we camp on that.
We pray that He would show us what we need to know and when. That we would heed His voice in all we do.
That all the students that pass through our lives and teachings are changed in a special Kingdom dimension towards God.
We pray too that as we seek to serve God in all we do, we might continue to touch the hearts of many.

In Parting:
Know that in all things, God is in control. When things seem to be going badly, or simply in our opinion askew, know deep down that God knows all and has a plan. Learn to trust Him in ALL things.