Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Data for March

Time flies when one is having fun… well that’s what is said anyway, at least we know how fast it flies when we are busy. These past couple of months are proof of that!

At Home: It has been an interesting time adapting to being just the four of us during these past five months. Dorianne has got her freelancing in to full swing and is loving every moment of it. She finally graduated from MGI with a degree in design and multi media. Jordan has been going through some teething issues with regards to running a business; let’s just say that at this stage, he will always need a PA! In the mean time Mom has stepped up to the plate and is trying to fill that gap. Mostly as far as Jean-Pierre and Rita are concerned, they have been working very hard in getting the new course material together for the launch.

World Outreach: Jean-Pierre and Rita attended the Africa Consultation - held for ministries and missionaries affiliated to them-for what was to be a time of fellowship and ministry as well as helping to plan the road on which the organization is on.  They received a little more than they bargained for in those four days. Included in these days was a time with Member Care folk from New Zealand , which was  a bonus! White River is beautiful at this time of year and the weather was nice and cool too. The three hour drive home gave much time for planning and retrospection.

At the Office: Heads down and get to it! This seems to be the mantra for the moment. No time for much else. As we have been busy with office alterations to facilitate classes, we are about to find out just how good our planning was! We launched Starting Point and follow shortly with Turning Point. Right now though there are new power points to put together incorporating the new illustrations etc. So… then we get to print the manuals. Very exciting times indeed. A HUGE THANK YOU to those who have come to the party and given of their time, finances and talents- and just plain hard labour, we really appreciate you.

In General: As a whole we are progressing rather well on all fronts. There are still more changes to make in the office area to accommodate thirty plus diners. That means Rita needs to move her office into what was her studio… anybody feel like carting stuff around? No? I didn’t think so, We don’t really feel like it either J.

Prayer: That we get done well in time for the start of Turning Point.
That printing runs smoothly.
For the delegates attending, that their lives would be changed!
Pray too that we might continue to depend fully on God in all things, and not to lean on our own understanding- making our own plans.
That all we put our hands and hearts to will bring much joy to the Father.

God doesn’t call the qualified, rather He qualifies the called