Tuesday, January 5, 2010

catching up in general

The last while has certainly been a time of emotional rollercoaster riding!
We had an amazing time in India and are so grateful for the experience. We returned, spent a week away while doing some sending cell training and general resting to have our young Micaela die. What a ride that was... we were sad that what we imagined would be was no longer possible, and yet we were so at peace because she is at rest now. Then came the end of the year's activities... lots of maintenance work and such. Christmas day being a day as any other, the only difference being that the guys came in for egg and Bacon sandwiches for lunch then went right back to work again I was playing Catch Up in the office with the bookkeeping and other admin tasks that are supposed to keep me out of mischief.
We did however spend a lovely afternoon with friends and family on Jean-Pierre's birthday.
It was wonderful to catch up with friendship ties.
Jordan, sadly worked like a mad thing on his birthday. Dorianne finally got paid for a job that she had worked very hard and long  on and now things seems to be settling down to a subtle rush.
Rita would love to get her butt off to gym again, but somehow the energy and inclination in that direction seems to be missing...
Summer is turning out to be rather cool at the moment, with much needed rain to keep the gardens in bloom and the lawn/grasses growing at a sickening pace.
Nothing seems to happen slowly here.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

December Data

May the New Year bring you ever closer to God
and His purpose for your life.
My you find your rest in the shadow of His wings.

A round up in the ministry:
The beginning of the year saw some travelling and then some direction for the training which we do.
Midyear was a time of great change in the lives of the people that are coached on a regular basis.
More travel in an outreach JP led to India. An exposure trip that changed lives.
All in all a slower but very successful year was had. We are grateful to God for His guiding hand in all we do. His protection while ‘out there’ and for all who stay behind. The fellowship went on each week regardless whether Jean-Pierre was there or not, this is huge! Displaying the fact that it is not about the man, but about the purpose of God and the calling on each one of us and our response to that.
The video dept has a fulltime member of the team taking care of it.
There is always room however for more people to get involved in other projects within the Kingdom Encounters portfolio…

And in the family:
The College and university days are now officially over in the home. Both Dorianne and Jordan have completed their studies – no we do not have actual results yet!
Jean-Pierre has wonderful peace with where God is taking the ministry.
Rita has been challenged to study languages so -ja -well -no –fine, as we say here in South Africa…

Then there were four:
Sadly, we said a final goodbye to Micaela who slipped off to be with Jesus on the 29th November. There will be a hole in our hearts in the shape of Micaela, her life has touched many hearts. Peace and pain dance intimately to the rhythm of our broken hearts, it’s up to us who takes the lead.

Please continue to pray for us as a family during this time. We are planning our activities for the new season. We are excited to see what God has in store for us. Please pray that we will hear His voice in each step we take. That He might be glorified in all we put our hands and hearts to.
Till next time…